Something seems a little off with the server.
Agent T uncovered this website, which looks innocent enough, but something seems off about how the server responds…
Room here
nmap -sV -Pn -v
Checking the web server:
Found nothing of interest on the website.
Directory fuzzing wasn’t helpful.
Checking with whatweb for site libraries and dependency versions:
whatweb -v
Seeing the php version, I checked out on exploit db and found it’s susceptible to an RCE through the user agent.
Getting that shell
Running the exploit, we get a root shell.
No privilege escalation today!
Let’s find that flag.
Found nothing on root and home directories.
Using find:
find / -type f -name *.txt 2>/dev/null
There we go, kill that ratty flag!
Easy peasy!
Thanks to Ben, John Hammond, cmnatic, blacknote and timtaylor
And by the way, There are many ways of killing a rat!
Happy Hacking.